Thursday, October 7, 2021

Spooky Ghost with Ribbon Streamers with Gwen Studios

Halloween Decorations don't have to be expensive, and here is a super simple project the kids will love making! No glue, no mess! My kind of project to do with the grandkids.

All you'll need is some of the fabulous Gwen Studios grosgrain and satin ribbon from This ribbon is sold in bulk rolls, so you'll have enough to make dozens of inexpensive Halloween projects from one roll! I'm making several of these ghosts to hang in trees, on the door and bushes outside. I love how the ribbon streamers catch the breeze!

Here is what you'll need to get started:

Gwen Studios 7/8" Yellow Satin Ribbon - 2 Yards

Gwen Studios 7/8" Orange Grosgrain Ribbon - 2 Yards

Gwen Studios 3/8" Black Satin or Grosgrain Ribbon - 8 Yards

Gwen Studios 7/8" White Grosgrain Ribbon - 1 Yard

Ghost Poly Chenille Form (I got mine at Dollar Tree but most stores have something similar)


Step 1: Cut two 36" Yellow ribbon Streamers, two 36" Orange ribbon streamers, and one 36" White ribbon streamer. From the Black ribbon, cut eight 36" ribbon streamers. Trim ends diagonally on each steamer.

Step 2: Fold Black ribbon in half. Starting at the front of the figure, bring the fold through an opening at the edge of the chenille shape, then tuck the ribbon ends through the loop and snug ribbon against shape. I started my Black ribbon streamer at the middle of the ghost's arm.

Step 3: Repeat for the Yellow and Orange ribbons, placing one at each side of the Black streamer. Then place a Black streamer at the beginning and the end of the streamers.

Step 4: Repeat process for other side of arm.

Step 5: Loop and tie the White ribbon streamer at the bottom of the ghost. Place a Black ribbon streamer on each side of the White streamer.

Step 6: Tie a Black loop at the top to hang the Ghost.

That's it! Now one for the fence, the tree, the bush.....SPOOKY!

What's next from the same ribbon? Candy jars, Halloween Shirt, and a Tote...coming up next!

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